Who are we?

Samantha Tornello, PhD

Assistant Professor of Human Development and Family Studies, Pennsylvania State University

Principle Investigator 

Dr. Tornello received her PhD in Developmental Psychology from the University of Virginia. Dr. Tornello’s research has focused broadly on families, parenting, gender, and sexual orientation. The majority of her work has explored the role of family composition in children’s development, parental dynamics, and couple functioning. How do variations (e.g., pathways to parenthood or division of unpaid labor) and changes (e.g., divorce) in family composition relate to family members’ development and functioning? 

Want to see Dr. Tornello's personal website Click HERE!

Want to see Dr. Tornello's academia.edu profile Click HERE!

Family, Sexual Orientation, Gender, & Development Lab  Click HERE!

Current Research Assistants: Click HERE!

Past Research Assistants: Click HERE!

Have any questions? Send an email to Dr. Tornello at GenderDiverseParents at gmail dot com