**Fang, S., Tornello, S. L., & Farr, R, H. (November, 2023). Transgender and gender nonbinary parents’ mental health: Risk and resiliency during the COVID-19 pandemic. Poster Symposium, National Council of Family Relations 2023 Convention, Orlando, Florida.
**Fang, S., **Lou, Y., **Skogseth, E., Tornello, S. L. (2023) Depression symptoms, parenting stress, and relationship quality among transgender and gender nonbinary (TGNB) parents. Poster Symposium, Pennsylvania State University Graduate Exhibition, University Park, Pennsylvania.
Tornello, S. L. (2023). Parenting intentions and family creation among transgender and nonbinary adults. Population Research Center at the University of Texas, Austin, TX.
Riskind, R. G., & Tornello, S. L. (2021). Families headed by transgender or nonbinary parents: Family processes and child outcomes. Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC.
Riskind, R. G., & Tornello, S. L. (2021). “Too early to know”: Transgender and gender nonbinary parents’ reports of their child’s gender identity. Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Conference, Virtual (COVID-19).
Tornello, S. L. (2019). Sexual and gender minority emerging adults & future parenthood. Keynote speaker, American Psychological Association Preconference presentation, Chicago, IL.
**Lu, Z., Tornello, S. L., **Dagistan, S., & **Kim, Y. (2019). Gender minority parents: Distal rejection and perceived social support predicts current well-being. Poster Symposium, Pennsylvania State University Graduate Exhibition, University Park, PA.
Tornello, S. L. & Riskind, R. (2019). Behavioral adjustment, emotional adjustment, and gender development of children with transgender and nonbinary parents. In Rachel Riskind (chair), Rainbow Connections: Parent Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, Child Development, and Family Dynamics, Symposium, Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, Maryland.
Tornello, S. L. (2018). The division of household and childcare labor among transgender and gender non-binary parents. In Henny Bos (chair), Diversity among LGBT Familes and Its Impact on Parenting and Child Development, Poster Symposium, National Council on Family Relations, San Diego, California.